Friday, February 8, 2013

This week we talked a lot about the difference between gender roles and also about same sex marriage and what makes someone a homosexual. While talking about these subjects and how important it is for a man and a women to get married and the different roles that are applied in a marriage and with raising children the spirit has testified to me that the Family a Proclamation to the World is indeed truth from God about how important it is to be married as husband and wife. I have thought a lot about my own individual role of being a wife and what is expected of me. Sometimes I feel like I am falling short of those responsibilities but I know that with the Lords help I can become perfected through my marriage. It is so true that I need my husband in order to reach perfect and make it to the Celestial Kingdom. He does have strengths that I dont have and I have strengths that he doesnt have and when we become one and teach each other then that is when miracles happen. It is also interesting to me how people have said for the longest time that people are born "gay" when they really arent. Why would a loving God make them that way to sin from birth? He wouldn't and doesn't. It does make sense what research says about how people view them as gay from things they do and then title them. and then they look back and say oh yeah... i guess that is true. When it isnt at all. Its okay if guys are more sensitive sometimes. My husband is sensitive and that is one of the things that I love most about him. That will make him be a great Father someday and it does make him be a great husband. And it is okay if girls are more masculine. I love cars and being able to learn about them and how to fix them. I love to watch movies that have car racing in them because I love the way the cars sound when they race. Does that make me a boy... NOPE! Anyways that is some of my thoughts from this week.

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