Friday, March 29, 2013

This week I learned a lot about parenting and what it really means to be an active parent. which is so important in a childs life. I also love what we talked about today in class about consequences and how parents sometimes need to allow their children to experience the natural consequences from their actions. Though it might be hard it is a learning experience for their children that will benefit them in the future. We also discusses for a few moments about making sure that children's needs are being met, their physical, social, and emotional needs.

Friday, March 15, 2013

What I learned this week was the great tools of communication! These tools have really helped me to understand more about communication and how to properly do it. Even though it is going to take lots of practice just like anything does, I hope to be able to communicate better with those around me and to help those around me also be able to communicate better with others. I really love this class and am grateful for it and for all of the help that it give to me on marriage and family relationships.

Friday, March 8, 2013

This week I learned a lot about how people tend to have a cognitive problem in their brain where they think a lie and then believe that it is truth. when in all actuality it is just a lie. My teacher talked about a few ways to stop your thought process from thinking lies because then they become truths to you. He said to recognize the thought and immediately change it with a positive thought. this is one way that you can stop those thoughts from coming. It is so sad to think about how so many people including myself really do tell ourselves lies and then we become anxious and then we start to think that it really is reality when it isn't. This topic and class period actually really helped me this week.

Friday, March 1, 2013

This week what I really enjoyed was all we talked about... haha. We talked about how having intimacy in a relationship is so important when you're married. And what it means when you do actually have that intimacy within your marriage and how special and sacred it is. it really makes me appreciate my Heavenly Father more and I have come to have a greater understanding of the great Plan of Happiness through learning about sexual intimacy in marriage.